Friday, January 15, 2010

The Good and the Bad of Electric Men's Shavers

Shavers come in different shapes, sizes, and makes. But it basically boils down to two main types: men's razors and electric men's shavers. Different men have different preferences when it comes to have that handsome, neatly shaven look. But some men take advantage of technology and acquire high-tech gadgets, including shavers. Electric shavers have advantages and disadvantages too. We will just focus on the main ones, so it's up to you to check which outweighs which.

Advantage: Convenience

With electrically powered men's shavers, you have rotary blades that move hundreds of times faster, therefore cutting your shaving time to half. Also, it is portable. You can carry it around, stash it in the car, and put it in your pocket. If you're in a rush, you may skip the preparation ritual in your bathroom and just shave while driving on your way to your work or your date, or shave in your workplace's men's room. Lastly, you don't have to buy new razors or blades every time since the ones in electric men's shavers do not dull easily.

Disadvantage: Not many really!

Since electric shavers have protectors like steel screens and nets, for some men they do not shave the hair close enough. Some men's skin is more sensitive than others and those screens irritate them, therefore, ending up with rash-like spots on their face. Also, since these modern shavers are electrically powered, maintenance is needed and some problems might occur. If broken, the shaver's replacement parts may be expensive.

What you can do to make an informed decision about determining which shaver is for you and base your choice on your lifestyle and grooming needs. Today more and more Men are choosing to go with electric men's shavers.

Click HERE for some great FREE informative articles and a superb Site where you can see all the latest models and is designed especially for us Men who are thinking of changing to a men's shaver.

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Mens Electric Shavers | Men's Electric Shaver

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